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Refund Policy

Credit Card / Online Check Refund Policy

Please contact Lower Rates for Customers immediately for any errors found in processing your transaction.


Transactions will appear as "Lower Rates for Customers" on credit card statement.
All valid transactions are final.
After transacting your entry, the following refund/entry policy will take effect.

  • Lower Rates for Customers will determine if a transaction is valid or invalid. For example, a duplicate transaction created through an error in our software processing may be considered invalid.
  • Invalid transactions will be refunded in total - Entry Fees and Convenience Charge.
  • Transactions created by customer error may be considered valid orders.
  • Transactions deemed to be invalid prior to the transaction's batch processing will be voided. After batch processing, the original transaction must be credited.
  • All payments may be cancelled up to 3 days after payment. Contacting Billing Support

If you have any questions about this refund policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you may contact Customer Support.

Lower Rates for Customers
900 Mohawk Street
Savannah, Georgia 31419